Reflections and Tacos: A Look Behind the Art in DT Yorktown

In case you haven't noticed, we've added an artistic touch to our Yorktown location on Lee Highway. Behind the picturesque photos of Washington, DC landmarks is none other than a District Taco amigo, Chris Kane. Born in Southern California, Chris moved to Arlington when he was 7 and has called Northern Virginia home ever since. A lacrosse player at Yorktown High School, Chris is also enrolled in the AP Photography class and District Taco has had the privilege of hosting his art show. We thought we’d learn a little more about the photographer behind the great work.

DT: Do you have any sort of background in photography? What made you interested in taking the class?

CK: It’s kind of a family thing. My dad is a professional photographer and my mom used to be a wedding photographer. Having grown up with this, my sister and I continue to carry on that tradition. She is in college and a portrait photographer, and shoots weddings on the side. It is in the blood.

The theme for this work was “Reflection.” Can you tell us a little more about what inspired you to highlight these different areas in your photographs?

I just went around the area and found places that I really liked. The memorials and the reflection on the Potomac River are some of the best sights. My favorite of this whole collection is the photo of the Key Bridge. I like how crystal clear it is. The water was really clear that day portraying a great reflection.

How much time did you spend working on this project?

I started taking the photos about 3-4 months ago. I had to edit them and make them look perfect. I used a lot of the techniques and skills that we learned in class to really bring them to life.

So far, our customers seem to be very impressed with your work. When someone new comes in and sees your photos for the first time, what do you want them to see?

I want them just to admire the art and see the city landscapes in a different way with a different perspective.

What are some of your favorite spots in DC to explore and photograph?

I like to capture nature. My house is near a creek, and there are a lot of areas around it that I like to explore and shoot.

Do you have a plan yet for post grad? Do you plan to pursue photography at all?

My plan so far is to go to college; hopefully at Texas A&M. I’m not sure if I’d play lacrosse but if I did I would try to walk on. As a hobby I plan to continue photography, for sure. My sister has taken portrait classes and I like the idea of making money on the side doing something I like in between class.

Okay, we have to ask. You must have picked our restaurant for a reason! What is your favorite "go to" DT meal?

Three steak tacos on corn with cheese and lettuce. No toppings or a ton of extras; I keep it simple.

Do you think hosting your art show at District Taco has had an effect on the community? Do you think it is something that we, and other restaurants should continue to do?

I think it is a great way to reach out to the community more. As a high schooler whose artwork is hanging up in a local restaurant, I think it brings people in and the community together and gives us a unique opportunity to portray our work to others in the community. I think a lot of businesses could benefit from opportunities like this.

Be sure to head down to our Yorktown location to check out all of the work available through the art show! Up for a limited time only! And grab some tacos while you're at it. 

District Taco strives to support the local community in a big way by giving back. Through our support for local non-profit organizations, sports, and schools we are committed to making a difference in our neighborhood one step at a time!

Looking to help District Taco get involved in the community in a unique way? Check out our Donations & Fundraisers tab here, or email us at with your idea! To see more of how we are getting involved with the community, check out our Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram accounts! Also check out our Mexican Catering options in the tab above for all of your fiesta needs! 

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